An Email/Voicemail Session (I will email you the Voicemail.) with me, is a quick way to receive Emergency counsel about a particular situation or person without having to wait for your next appointment. Please make sure your question(s) are as specific as possible in order to enable a more focused answer.
When you email your question(s), please consider the following:
- If another person is involved, please give me their name and date of birth;
- Make sure the questions are clear and concise;
- Do not ask general questions. Please do not ask a where or when question. I do not do predictions, although it has happened before. I can guarantee accurate advice about how to deal with any given situation and where I see it going in the soon-to-be future.
Proceed to order your Email/Voicemail Session by utilizing the Paypal button provided below. Also when you fill out the form, please specify whether you prefer Email or Voicemail. I can send you either one through email.
After you have paid, fill out your questions and concerns, then email them to me. Depending on your question(s) and my schedule, the response time will be 2-3 days. If you are one of my clients, who has signed up for a package, and it’s an Emergency, then please type “Emergency” in the subject line. I will respond to you immediately.
Purchase an Email/Voicemail Coaching Session:
Once you’ve paid, click here to fill out the online Coaching form.
PLEASE NOTE: Tricia Galligan IS NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR, Psychiatrist, Psychologist or any type of Medical Practitioner; Licensed or Unlicensed by any State or governing authority. Tricia Galligan does not diagnose diseases, prescribe drugs/vitamins/substances, make any health claims, or GUARANTEE ANY OUTCOME. Tricia Galligan is a Professional Holistic Healer, certified in multiple healing modalities. HER HEALING PROCESSSES ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR APPROPRIATE MEDICAL TREATMENTS. If you have a condition that needs medical attention, please seek standard medical treatment and use Coaching or anything else as a complement to it.