“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anais Nin

I’ve been exploring my spiritual gifts with the Angels most of my life. I have been a student of spirituality and holistic healing for over 30 years. I’ve studied with world-renowned Healers and Teachers. I realized after a year or so of studying, I already knew the information being taught. I had alot of Angel experiences as a young child and teenager where I was given alot of information regarding Spirit . These experiences brought about a familiar knowing deep inside of me. This knowing of the Divine, is inside each of us. If you are unable to remember this knowing or feel it, the Angelic Energy Healing will reconnect you to the part of yourself that does acknowledge and is familiar with the Divine. It will allow you to heal Body, Mind and Soul.
With a passion for Angels, Coaching, Energy Healing and Teaching, I use my abilities to assist people in moving through their life challenges. My goal is to help people trust themselves completely, so they can transform their lives and experience a more fulfilled and connected way of living.
Since I have studied many types of healing modalities, I believe the intention of all healing is the same…to bring your body, mind and soul back to their natural state of balance and wholeness. Our natural state is one of high energy, intuition and creativity. As long as we stay attuned at that level, life will go more peacefully and productively.
As an Angelic Energy Healer, this is how the process of energy work manifests as a healing. When pure angelic energy is brought into a person’s energy field, the body remembers this as the natural state of being, and starts to energetically shed lower vibrations that carry disharmony, old wounds and dis-ease and naturally starts vibrating to the higher Source energy which creates new life. That means Angelic Energy Healing can bring your body back to its natural state of balance and wholeness, but you need to allow the healing energy to move through you.
I am the intermediary between the Divine Energy and you, the client, who has contracted with God to learn their own healing lessons . This Energy enables you to go back and live life with more love, light and intelligence. This is the essence of pure energy. I will gently help bring in this Divine healing energy, which conveys the information and light to you. Through time or sometimes instantaneously, depending on the individual, I always find my clients healing and improving lifelong issues on all levels. This allows them to give their attention to their remarkable abilities that were given to them at birth. They are able to go out into the world with their gifts and uplift and heal others on unimaginable levels.
Tricia is available for nationwide speaking events, lectures and workshops.